If you want to make your voice heard, here are a few important info sessions happening in Columbia Town Center.
If you have lived in Columbia Town Center for a while, you have likely heard about all the community info sessions going on. With our already jam-packed schedules, it’s impossible to think of giving away your time and energy for free without a financial reward. However, making your voice heard in your community is beneficial for several reasons, and the best part about it is that it doesn’t have to take up much of your time and effort. Simply showing up and offering to help improve your neighborhood is a great start. If you want to give back to the community and make your voice heard, here are a few important info sessions happening in Columbia Town Center.
Gateway Master Plan Presentation
In September, Howard County Recreation and Parks gathered public feedback on three master plan options for the redevelopment of Gateway. Now, they are ready to share a preferred master plan option! Join the public meeting on Jan 21 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM to hear a presentation about the preferred option and share your input. You’ll learn how Gateway could be transformed into a new “innovation district” – a regional destination for new research and ideas within an area that is dynamic, mixed-use, connected, and creative. Doors open at 5:15 pm. Click here to register.
Kittamaqundi Community Church
Are you:
- Committed to the work of justice, equality, and dignity?
- Seeking ways to avoid burnout and despair in the face of opposition?
- Looking for strength within and outside of yourself?
- Looking for a community that will hear and support you?
If you said “yes,” The Kittamaqundi Community Church is hosting a mutual support and learning group that may be perfect for you. While participants may bring up religious and philosophical beliefs, there will be no other religious exposure or attempts at persuasion. Members may talk about pressures and hurdles in the current environment, but the group is designed around personal growth, community care, and service, not politics. This is a community service of the church, open to all. The group will meet in person in the evening every 2 weeks in February and March, exact dates to be announced soon. If you are interested in more information, email Ken Katzen at [email protected].
Howard County Transportation Open House
The second annual Howard County Transportation Open House will be held Thursday, January 30th, from 4:30 to 7:30 PM at the North Laurel Community Center. It will again incorporate the Active Transportation and Transportation Priorities Open Houses. Additional topics covered include transportation safety, transit and regional planning, and roadway maintenance and operations. The Open House will also allow the public to comment on the County’s overall transportation priorities, approaches to solving common transportation challenges, and specific projects. Click here for more information.
Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, one of the most beautiful historic buildings in Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions, and cultural activities. Visit us to learn more about our community at 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044. Call us at 410-730-4744 or visit our website https://www.columbiatowncenter.org/