Preparing for the 2025 Village Board Elections Columbia Town Center

Here is some more information about the upcoming village board elections.

While we have just finished with the presidential election, Columbia Town Center is holding an election of its own. Now is the time to get involved with your community. Your ideas and passion can improve the quality of life in Town Center and enrich the experiences of all residents. Getting involved helps to bring about change as we advocate for the areas of most importance, such as affordable housing, innovative development, expanding diversity initiatives, and more. Here is some more information about the upcoming village board elections.

About the Village Board Elections

All villages have different election procedures as independent corporations, just like the 50 states in the USA have different voting procedures. To run for election to the board, you must be a resident of Town Center living in a Town Center annexed area/property and must not have any current covenant violations. 

2025 Election Timeline

February 3: The candidate Application becomes available to download on this date and not before. Nomination Period Begins

February 3 – March 2 (by noon): The application period for Village Board candidates closes. There are no exceptions.

March 2 (NOON EST): Deadline to submit candidate applications. Application Period Ends March 2 at Noon EST. No exceptions.

The application must have a signed original application, and your Candidate’s Statement will be delivered ELECTRONICALLY to the Village Manager’s Office via email at [email protected]. NOTE: Candidate statements should be in Microsoft Word format and should be no more than 150 words long.

April 10, 7:15 pm-8-45pm*: Candidates Forum at Historic Oakland and/or via Zoom Meeting if there is a contested election*

Election Day

Election day for Columbia Town Center is April 26th. 

If you live in a rental apartment in the Village of Town Center or a condo, townhouse, or single-family house that you do not own, you must have a copy of a current lease agreement on file to participate in the Town Center Village election. Please email a copy to [email protected] or drop it off at Historic Oakland, 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD, no later than Friday, April 18 at 5 pm EST or on election day you can present your most recent utility bill or valid drivers’ license with your name on it showing your Town Center address.

Please note that if there are fewer or equal candidates for Village Board than there are Board seats, there will be no election, and all candidates will be deemed elected per TCCA’s By-Laws. In that case, there will not be a Candidates’ Forum, and an election will not be held on April 26


Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, one of the most beautiful historic buildings in Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions, and cultural activities. Visit us to learn more about our community at 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044. Call us at 410-730-4744 or visit our website

This entry was posted on Friday, January 24th, 2025 at 9:29 am. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

About Columbia Town Center

Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, which is one of the most beautiful historic buildings in all of Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions and cultural activities. Our 8 neighborhoods include:

  • Amesbury
  • Banneker
  • Creighton’s Run
  • Lakefront
  • Vantage Point
  • Merriweather District
  • Warfield

Located in Columbia, Maryland

Convenient to Washington, DC, Baltimore, and Virginia


5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044



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