Architectural Guidelines

House PlansWhen you are applying for exterior alterations, please check the architectural guidelines for both the Town Center Community Association and your condominium association. Applications must be approved and signed by the condominium association board and then brought to the Town Center Community Association architectural committee for its approval and signature.

The Architectural Guidelines are not all inclusive. Applicants need to contact the Covenant Advisor to assure that all application requirements have been fulfilled. The Guidelines are an attempt to inform each homeowner of the requirements of the Architectural Committee and the Town Center Community Association as they pertain to exterior alterations. The Guidelines may be amended from time to time as the Architectural Committee deems necessary. Each application is subject to review on a case-by-case basis, and requests for additional information may be required by the Committee.

The approval of the Architectural Committee of any exterior alteration shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any right to withhold approval or consent as to any similar exterior alteration application submitted for approval or consent.

Town Center Architectural Guidelines 2019

If your browser does not open the Architectural Guidelines with the chapter bookmarks, open it in Adobe Reader or you can save it into your computer and open it from that location.