Applications Formatted for Electronic Completion
For added convenience, the following forms are formatted so you can download and complete them using your favorite PDF application. Do Not hand-write your forms. This is recommended as it will save time and avoid delays in being able to read handwritten documents.
All applications due seven (7) days in advance of the Board Meeting by Noon EST. Send to: [email protected]
Allow 30 Days To Respond: Must Be Reviewed By ARC Board
TCCA Exterior Alteration Application***.
Request for Letter of Compliance
Attach the following information to your application as appropriate for your alteration
- Official Site Plan – with dimensions, boundaries, present structures & proposed alterations.
- Color/Material Samples – roof, siding, trim, paint color chips, etc.
- Scale Drawings – of proposed construction sketches, including elevations/all drawings.
- Picture of House/Property – including the affected area/items to be changed/removed.
Send the Electronic Form and your accompanying documents in four color (photos, drawings, site plans) to: [email protected].