If you plan to make an alteration to your home’s exterior, be sure to complete and submit the Town Center Community Association (TCCA) application BEFORE you begin your project: TCCA-Exterior-Alteration-Application-Digital-Revised-digital. To ensure that your application is reviewed as quickly as possible, please observe the following guidelines:
- Provide as much detail as possible about your project.
- Get signatures from 2 affected neighbors.
- Submit a site plan showing the location/configuration of the project.
- Submit a scale drawing of the project.
- Include color samples (color description is not sufficient).
- Include drawings or photos of materials to be used.
- Sign and date the application; supply contact information, including email address.
- To avoid delays in the approval process, attend the meeting at which your application will be reviewed, so that you can answer any questions that the Architectural Committee may have.
Howard County requires a building permit and inspection for many types of alterations and Architectural Committee approval of an application shall not be construed as a waiver of County building and zoning codes. Although the Committee assumes no responsibility for monitoring these codes, a known violation of them would be adequate grounds for denial of an application.
Condominium Association Boards must submit exterior alteration applications for changes to the common areas of the condominium association.
An incomplete application cannot be accepted and will be returned to the homeowner. If you have any questions about the application process or your particular project, please contact the Covenant Advisor, at 410-730-4744 or [email protected].
Emergency Situations: If trees are presenting a safety hazard to property or people and are in danger of falling down, then you may remove the tree(s) without prior written approval of the Town Center Community Association Architectural Review Committee. Just notify the Covenant Advisor immediately.
Members of homeowners’ associations may be interested in the Updated Summary of the Rights of Homeowners Who Live in Condominiums and Homeowner Associations, prepared by the Maryland Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
TC Condo Mngrs ONLY May 2023 UPDATED
Town Center Apartment Communities May 2023
Town Center Residential Community Association Covenants