
Amesbury, Banneker, Creighton’s Run, Lakefront, Vantage Point, Merriweather District and Warfield are the residential areas in Town Center.

Town Center is actually a non-contiguous residential neighborhood within Columbia’s major commercial center. It contains Columbia’s most urban residential housing. Town Center is the downtown of Columbia, the major commercial area. Residents appreciate the uniqueness of Town Center with its urban living in a suburban setting.


Vantage Point comes from a poem by Robert Frost. Streets are named from Frost and William Cullen Bryant.


6,657 population; 3,017 housing units as of the last reported totals in 2024.

Latest and Greatest

Juniper in the Merriweather District by The Howard Hughes Corporation. Winner of the March 2021 Top Project by The Baltimore Business Journal with a “Best in Real Estate Award.” The 382-unit residence has 57,000 square feet of street-level retail. And, you can walk to Merriweather Post Pavilion that is the shining beacon of music in the heart of Columbia (amphitheater featured below with Juniper in top right of the photo).

Open and Ready For You…

Marlow Residential Building
Marlow is a seven story, 510,118-square-foot residential building that will solidify the next phase of growth of the Merriweather District in Downtown Columbia by The Howard Hughes Corporation. Now open!

Lakefront North Phase 1 Site Development Plan Submitted

Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC) submitted the Site Development Plan to Howard County Planning and Zoning (DPZ) for the Lakefront North Phase 1 Site Development Plan (SDP) on February 8, 2022.  DPZ approved the both the FDP and SDP in mid-2023.  Project is progressing.

See the Proposed Plan

There will be opportunities for public comments on the plan throughout the DPZ review and approval process.

Comments on the project from the HHC press release (2/8/2022): “Future development envisioned for the north end includes three new residential buildings offering a total of 675 units plus supporting street retail, better pedestrian and cycling connections, and enhanced green spaces to transform the current surface parking lot at the north end of the Lakefront District. The high-rise apartments will be constructed atop an underground parking structure and will be surrounded by outdoor amenity areas, including a promenade connecting to the areas bordering Lake Kittamaqundi as well as a public square. Neighborhood retail will be located on the ground level of the residences. As part of the project, Wincopin Circle will be extended and reconfigured as a pedestrian-oriented street connecting activities throughout the Lakefront District. Phase 1 of the Lakefront North development is anticipated to be an investment in excess of $280 million over the course of the next several years.”

Current and future construction of apartments and condominiums in the Warfield and Lakefront residential areas are indications of the vibrancy and continuing growth of the Town Center residential community.