Here are some ways to get involved in the Columbia Town Center community.
For many people, the new year is a perfect time to make goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. Make it one of your goals this year to be more active in the community and your neighborhood by doing your part to help improve things and give back.
Even small steps, like getting to know your neighbors more personally, can matter. When everyone does their part to better their community, you will smile a lot more when you’re out for a walk. Here are some ways to get involved in the Columbia Town Center community.
Voice Your Opinion on Important Issues
The hallmark of a good community is that it cares about the opinions of its residents. And Columbia Town Center does exactly that. Changes are happening throughout Columbia and Howard County that will affect everyone. So, ensuring your opinion is heard on these matters is essential.
For example, there is a proposal by the Maryland Department of Transportation to eliminate commuter buses due to budget issues, severely impacting many in Town Center, Howard County, and beyond. If this affects you, someone you know, or you just want to help, consider emailing your elected officials to let them know. Here is the link to help you find and connect with them.
Howard County also released a survey about updating its 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan as required by the State of Maryland.
Consider Joining the Village Board
If you have ideas about how to better Columbia Town Center, consider joining the Town Center Residential Community Association’s Village Board. Right now, they are looking to fill one vacancy and need active members willing to attend monthly Board meetings and work at least ten hours per month doing the work of the Board. The requirements are as follows:
- Must reside in Town Center as owner or lessor of residential property. Provide a copy of the lease showing your rental of an apartment, condo, townhome, or single-family home, or provide a copy of the deed or address showing your ownership.
- Must be your legal IRS primary residence.
- Complete the application submission deadline by January 24, 2024, at NOON EST. No Exceptions.
- Must make yourself available in February at the next Board meeting for an in-person interview with the Board.
If you are interested in applying, fill out the application here.
Attend Community Events
There is always something fun or interesting to do around Columbia and Howard County. If you are new to the neighborhood and want to get to know your neighbors and learn more about Columbia Town Center, consider attending a community event. On January 15th, the Kittamaqundi Community Church (KC) is sponsoring a presentation by Marcus Sankofa Nicks on MLK Day as a nonreligious service to our community and to celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King. A well-known local historian, teacher, and mentor, Mr. Nicks will be leading this session on community care through:
- Examining how history affects our daily lives.
- Healing personal, collective, and historical trauma through the lens of history
- Creating safe spaces for community care and social justice
- Applying the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King in 2024
- Location: KC Church, 5410 LEAF TREADER WAY, COLUMBIA, MD 21044
This is a free event, and you can sign up for it here.
Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, one of the most beautiful historic buildings in Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions, and cultural activities. Visit us to learn more about our community at 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044. Call us at 410-730-4744 or visit our website https://www.columbiatowncenter.org/