Historic Oakland and Columbia Town Center are excited to unite the community for this year’s Trunk-or-Treat at the Manor.
While walking around Columbia Town Center, you notice a chill in the air, the nights are getting longer, and pumpkins are popping up around the neighborhood. This could only mean one thing: Halloween is right around the corner! Historic Oakland and Columbia Town Center are excited to unite the community for this year’s Trunk-or-Treat at the Manor. This family-friendly event will be Friday, October 27th, from 6 -7:30 PM.
What is a “Trunk or Treat”?
A “Trunk or Treat” event is where participants decorate the trunks of their cars for Halloween and park in a designated area. Children then go from car to car to collect candy and other treats.
This setup ensures a safe and controlled environment for children to collect Halloween treats and fosters community and camaraderie among neighbors.
Trunk or Treat at Columbia Town Center
To register for this event, please follow the Eventbrite link here. Below is everything you need to know about this year’s Halloween event at Columbia Town Center:
Parking & Vehicle Setup
- When arriving at the Manor, please DRIVE SLOWLY as there will be children, adults, and leashed animals walking around the parking lot.
- Begin parking by the trees at the bottom of the parking lot and avoid leaving empty spaces between cars.
- You may bring lawn/camping chairs to use behind your vehicle while you pass out your goodies.
- Historic Oakland DOES NOT provide chairs/tables/etc.
- For ideas on how to decorate your car, check these out!
Kid’s Costume Contest
- Once you arrive at the Manor, visit our registration table and sign in your child to be eligible to be judged in the contest. Be sure to provide their name, age, and what their costume is. (To ensure we best represent your child, please provide the phonetic pronunciation of their name.)
Dog’s Costume Contest
- All pets are required to be leashed & controlled at all times. Pet owners are responsible for picking up dog waste.
- ( NOTE: Historic Oakland DOES NOT provide dog waste disposal bags; however, a station at Vantage Point Park is available for public use.)
- See the registration table and sign your pet in on our registration sheet. Be sure to provide the pet’s name and what they are dressed as.
Please bring a bag/basket of treats/goodies/stickers/etc to pass out to the Trick-or-Treaters so we can ensure everyone gets a bag full of goodies! Town Center will provide goodies and trinkets, too! For more information, contact the office at 410-730-4801.
THRIVE at Columbia Town Center
Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, one of the most beautiful historic buildings in Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions, and cultural activities. Visit us to learn more about our community at 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044. Call us at 410-730-4744 or visit our website https://www.columbiatowncenter.org/