Here are a few easy ways you can foster change in your community.
Participating in community activities provides an underrated sense of connection, solidarity, and belonging. If you want to see change in your community, make it one of your goals this year to be more active by doing your part to help improve things and give back.
Even small steps, like attending community events, can matter. When everyone does their part to better their community, you will smile a lot more when you’re out for a walk. Here are a few easy ways you can make your voice heard and foster changes in Columbia Town Center.
Look for Volunteer Opportunities
Donating your free time and helping solve problems within your capabilities is a surefire way to become more involved. Different community programs and activities do not require any skills to join. Non-profit organizations and charities largely depend on volunteers to accomplish most activities, so your time and contribution are highly appreciated. In addition to supporting the cause, you will build your resume and networks. Town Center Community Association needs volunteers to assist in many different areas, including:
- Young People Events
- Elections
- Senior Events
- Gardening Experts
- Safety Patrols
If you are interested, send an email to: [email protected]
Attend Community Meetings
The Department of Planning and Zoning and its consultant team will engage property owners, the development community, and other Howard County Government agencies to discuss the manual’s regulations to continue forward, identify areas for modifications, and identify new topic areas to be addressed. This rewrite process is scheduled to conclude in mid-2025.
The current manual was adopted in 1993 and provides landscaping regulations and guidance for new residential and commercial developments. The Landscape Manual directs items such as required landscape plantings, the type of perimeter landscape buffers and screening required between adjacent land uses, the perimeter and internal landscaping for parking lots, and the placement of street trees. The Focus Group Meeting for the General Public will be held at the George Howard Building Columbia/Ellicott Room, 3430 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City, MD.
Donate to the Howard County Food Bank
The Community Action Council operates the Howard County Food Bank and sponsors 14 food pantries throughout the county. The food they provide is fresh, healthy, and varied: sourced from local farms, grocery stores, and their own community garden.
There has been a significant increase in demand for services at the Howard County Food Bank. All donations are safe and secure and, most importantly, go directly to those who need assistance during this critical time.
Food donations can be dropped off at the Howard County Food Bank (9385 Gerwig Lane Columbia, Suite J, MD 21046). Donation hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To better serve the local community and improve ease of accessibility, the Community Action Council will have community service workers stationed at the Howard County Food Bank during the following extended times:
- Tuesdays, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
- Wednesdays, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Thursdays, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Town Center is one of the ten villages of Columbia, Maryland. Our Village offices are located in Historic Oakland, one of the most beautiful historic buildings in Howard County. In the heart of Columbia, Town Center’s residents enjoy living in an urban community in a suburban setting with close proximity to all Columbia amenities, attractions, and cultural activities. Visit us to learn more about our community at 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia, MD 21044. Call us at 410-730-4744 or visit our website https://www.columbiatowncenter.org/